Where are They Now

Dr. Susan Blair (1996)

Dr Susan BlairAssociate Professor and Chair Anthropology

Dr. Susan Blair began her involvement in Anthropology at UNB as a Master of Arts student, later becoming a stipend instructor, then post-doctoral fellow. In July 2006, she became an Assistant Professor.

Dr. Blair began working in archaeology in New Brunswick in the late 1980s. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from McMaster University in 1991. During her degree she began a working relationship with the New Brunswick Provincial Archaeological Services Unit. She conducted research on the pre-contact archaeology of the Grand Manan Archipelago, completing her Masters degree at UNB in 1997.

Following this project, she undertook the direction of the Jemseg Crossing archaeology project, the largest archaeological mitigation project ever conducted in eastern Canada. This project contributed significantly to her doctoral research at the University of Toronto, which examined fine-grained changes in settlement and technology in ancestral Wolastoqiyik sites of the Lower Saint John River. She has co-authored a volume on the archaeology of the Atlantic region, and published several volumes on the precontact archaeology of New Brunswick.

With the completion of her doctorate in 2004, Dr. Blair began a long-term collaboration with Metepenagiag Heritage Park to explore the archaeological heritage of Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation. She is currently engaged in a range of research projects that focus on pre-contact technology, including copper working, and stone tool, pottery and textile manufacturing. She is also engaged in exploring the processes involved in community-driven research and indigenous archaeology.

Dr. Lesley Shannon (2005)

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Congratulations Lesley

Dr Lesley Shannon

Dr. Lesley Shannon (2005)

2015-2020 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (B.C./Yukon)

Dr. Lesley Shannon is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Dr. Shannon studies computer systems design. She works in a rapidly growing field that combines custom computing hardware and software to design and implement application-specific computer systems for applications in a wide range of areas including robotics, machine learning, aerospace and biomedical systems, multimedia applications, and cloud computing. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate students in the area of Computer Engineering; she received the 2014 APEGBC Teaching Award of Excellence in recognition of her classroom and out-of-class mentoring activities and her contributions in leading a redesign of the School’s undergraduate curriculum at SFU. Dr. Shannon has long been an advocate of increasing the diversity of students and workers in science- and engineering-related fields and was instrumental in developing programs to support a successful transition from high school into university.

The primary focus of the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (B.C./Yukon) is to promote science and to engage students, industry, and the community to increase the awareness and participation of women and other under-represented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The goal is to empower them to pursue science and engineering as pathways to exciting careers. A particular emphasis will be placed on increasing enrollment of women in the applied sciences (computing and engineering), fields that traditionally do not attract many women. Dr. Shannon will partner with Simba Technologies Inc., a company with a long-standing commitment to gender diversity and to increasing the number of women in the applied sciences through scholarships provided to post-secondary institutions in the province.

Contact WWEST   Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6 Tel: 778-782-3567  Email: wwest (at) sfu.ca

John H. Noseworthy, M.D. (1979)

john noseworthy

  • CEO and President, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
  • John H. Noseworthy, M.D., joined the board in 2009.
  • Dalhousie University; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; University of Western Ontario; Harvard Medical School; Professor of Neurology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Consultant, Department of Neurology, 1992-present; Department Chair, 1997-2006; Editor-in-Chief, Neurology, 2007-2009; Vice Chair, Mayo Clinic Rochester Executive Board, 2006-2009; Medical Director for Development, 2006-2009. President and CEO, Mayo Clinic, 2009-present.

Dr. Jennifer A. Wadsworth (1992)


Photograph (right) taken in 1992 shows how Jennifer spent her O’Brien Foundation Fellowship doing field work in the Spanish Pyrenees, with her faithful dog Gamma as her field asssitant.

Dr. Jennifer Wadsworth has been a geologist for over 25 years, with experience both in industry and academia. She currently works as a petroleum geologist for BP America, based in Houston. Prior to that, she worked at Woodside Energy, Baker Hughes, the University of Newcastle (in Australia), and at Imperial Oil (Calgary). She obtained her PhD (Liverpool), MSc (McMaster) and BSc (Western) in Geology, and also did a post-doc at the University of Western Ontario. Jennifer was born in Moncton, New Brunswick but grew up in Campbellton. Her first introduction to geology was a grade-three field trip to look at Devonian fish fossils at the world-famous Miguasha National Park in Gaspe; from that moment she was hooked and continues to search the world for geological marvels and puzzles. Her contributions include a number of published papers focused on proxy methods for understanding global sea level changes over geological time; she has also served as President of the WA Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia from 2010-2012. She is deeply grateful for her 1992 O’Brien Scholarship which provided critical funding for the final stages of her PhD fieldwork on sea level changes and their effects on Eocene deltas in the Spanish Pyrenees. Jennifer is married and has two sons.