Where are They Now

Dr. Shawn McGuire (1996)

Dr Shawn McGuireAgricultural Officer (Seed Security), Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

2005 Wageningen University PhD, Technology and Agrarian Development; farmer participation in sorghum breeding and seed provision in Ethiopia.
1996 University of East Anglia MSc, Agriculture, Environment and Development; Distinction;
privatisation of UK breeding: institutional and genetic resource implications.
1993 University of Ottawa BSc (Hons.), Biology; Summa cum laude; dissertation on spatial dynamics of Nitrogen cycling in forest moss communities.

I research agrobiodiversity and seed systems in developing countries, and how seed systems – and crop breeding – can be reformed to benefit poor people in developing countries. My work on seed security, and seed systems analysis, is recognised as globally significant.  In particular, the Seed Systems Security Assessments I have helped design have shaped policy and practice in many countries, informing immediate emergency or development programming, and also guiding longer-term change to donor and country policies.  In 2016, I joined the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization to provide technical advice on seed security globally.

My background combines biological and social science, looking at applied agricultural research, and farmers’ responses to stress in poor countries. I focus on the interface between agricultural scientists and farmers, and on how genetic resources are managed via plant breeding and seed systems, both in the formal and farmer systems. Field experience includes Ethiopia, Kenya, and other chronically-stressed contexts such as Zimbabwe, Rwanda, DRC, Madagascar, Timor-Leste, Uganda, and Haiti.

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Catherine A. Walsh (1978)

Catherine A WalshCatherine Walsh teaches and writes principally in the areas of secured transactions and private international law. Formerly a professor in the Faculty of Law of the University of New Brunswick, her move to McGill in July 2001 reflects her strong interest in the comparative and international dimensions of these subjects.  She has a long standing commitment to law reform, and has been actively involved in a number of national and international reform initiatives, including participating as a member of the Canadian delegation in the development of a series of multilateral legal instruments in secured financing law adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

She is the co-author, with Ronald Cuming (Saskatchewan) and Roderick Wood (Alberta), of Personal Property Security Law (Irwin Law, 1st ed. 2005, 2nd ed. 2012). She has been a contributing co-author from the outset of Private International Law in Common Law Canada: Cases, Text and Materials, the 4th edition of which was published by Emond-Montgomery in 2016.

Before commencing her law studies, Catherine Walsh worked as a CUSO volunteer in Ghana, an experience that contributed to her later interest in comparative law and law and development.

B.C.L. (Oxford) 1979; LL.B. (UNB) 1978; B.A. (Dalhousie) 1972

Full Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University, 2001- present
Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Law, McGill University, 2003-2005
Professor, Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick 1994-2001
(Assoc. Prof 1986-1994; Assist. Prof. 1981-1986)
Counsel, Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales, 1999-2001
Associate Lawyer, McKelvey Macaulay Machum (now Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales), Saint John, 1980-1981
Law Clerk to the Chief Justice, New Brunswick Court of Appeal, 1979-1980

Areas of Interest
Secured Transactions Law, Private International Law, International Business Law

Marc Sabat (1987)


Marc Sabat

Canadian composer Marc Sabat (*1965) is based in Berlin since 1999. He makes pieces for concert and installation settings, drawing inspiration from investigations of the sounding and perception of Just Intonation and of various music traditions—folk, experimental and classical. He is a frequent collaborator, seeking fruitful interactions with other musicians and artists of visual and literary modes to find points of shared exploration and dialogue between various forms of experience.
Sabat studied composition, violin and mathematics at the University of Toronto, at the Juilliard School in New York, and at McGill University, as well as working privately with Malcolm Goldstein, James Tenney and Walter Zimmermann. Together with Wolfgang von Schweinitz he has developed the Extended Helmholtz-Ellis JIPitch Notation and is a pioneer of music written and performed in microtonal Just Intonation. He teaches composition and the theory and practice of intonation at the Ushare-alike non-commercial license through Plainsound Music Edition.niversität der Künste Berlin.
Scores and artist editions are available under a creative commons share-alike non-commercial license through Plainsound Music Edition.


Dr. Jillian Hudgins (2007)

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Dr. Jillian Hudgins

Dr. Jillian Hudgins received the O'Brien Fellowship in 2007 for her her work on the mineralogy, petrology and chronology of lunar granulitic breccias. She graduated with a PhD in geology in 2009 and published this work in Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, and American Mineralogist.
Life then led her to the Republic of Maldives, where she worked for 4 years on coral reef restoration and environmental education projects. She developed a country-wide citizen science-based Sea Turtle Photo-ID program and helped to organize the first ever Sea Turtle Photo-ID conference held in 2016. She also worked with the IUCN and Maldivian government to develop their sea turtle conservation plan and has co-authored a guidebook to the sea turtles of the Maldives.

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Dr Jillian Hudgins is currently the senior project scientist at the Olive Ridley Project, an UK-based environmental charity that she helped to co-found. The organization is focused on researching and preventing the interaction of discarded fishing gear with marine life in the Indian Ocean. She works with coastal fishing communities in developing countries around the Indian Ocean in order to improve their environmental education and empower them to develop recycling and reuse programs for their waste that could otherwise end up in the ocean. She also runs a citizen science program in the Maldives dedicated to rescuing and documenting entangled marine animals. She continues to publish scientific research associated with this work in journals such as the Marine Pollution Bulletin. Jillian lives in Fredericton.