Dr. Lucy A. Wilson (1985)


Wilson, Lucy Ann, Campbellton, New Brunswick: Doctoral Studies in Archaeology and Geology, University of Paris.

I received my fellowship in 1985. I was then entering the final year of my doctorate at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) in France; I finished there in mid-1986 and came home soon afterwards. Now I am full Professor of Geology, in the Department of Biology at UNBSJ. I am the only geologist on this campus (which is why I’m in the Biology department – have to be ‘housed’ somewhere!), so I am responsible for all geology teaching here. I offer the full first-year course every year, and also like to add on a second course of some sort every winter, to add variety to my life and scope for the interested students to do more geology. Geology majors have to go to Fredericton after first year, however. This year I am teaching “Introduction to Geoarchaeology”, since my research is in fact geoarchaeological. I use geological techniques to answer archaeological questions, in particular concerning the rocks used to make prehistoric stone tools, and still mainly work on French sites.